Korean chicken restaurants often have cartoon chickens on their signage and it's not unheard of for those cartoon chickens to be happily holding plates of cooked chicken limbs.For years, he had been trying to essentially get killed, chopped up, packed in a can, and eaten. This goes especially for Charlie of StarKist Tuna.The M&M mascots take this to another level when they talk about getting eaten, and in at least one commercial eat one of their own kind.The Hamburger characters were quietly retired in later iterations. Early McDonaldland featured a meat version of this, with several characters being living Hamburgers (such as Officer Big Mac), but many of the plots revolving around villains like the Hamburglar trying to steal regular Hamburgers for the express purpose of eating them.If no such explanation is given, though, the Fridge Horror is bound to set in eventually.

Alternatively, they might be established as a separate species from their non-anthropomorphic counterparts, meaning any non-anthros would be their equivalent of non-human apes.

They may be Uplifted Animals, animals that were given Anthropomorphic Transformations, aliens that happen to look like animals or something else. Some Furry Fiction Hand Waves this by explaining that their very humanoid characters have a science-fiction basis. Things get unquestionably weird when non-humanlike specimens of the same species of animals the main characters are based upon are shown existing in the setting alongside them. Fortunately the audience doesn't usually have a big problem with this. The audience tends to accept this without question - until animals that don't look or sound humanlike appear in the same continuity. In many cartoon or comic settings one will often find that the characters are anthropomorphic animals.